Category Archives: Uncategorized

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Zoom Hearing Tips

On March 22, 2020, the Wisconsin Supreme Court temporarily suspended in-person proceedings. Now, a year and a half later, it has become clear that Zoom proceedings are likely here to stay in at least some sort of capacity. When you are not actually in the courtroom itself, it can be easy to forget that all […]

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Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) retirement benefits for military members in Wisconsin divorce.

Servicemembers have two retirement assets available: military retired pay (a pension) and the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), the equivalent of a 401k. Divorcing servicemembers and their spouses must be aware of both plans to ensure a fair division. This article will address only the TSP. Unlike many private 401k plans, TSP does not limit the […]

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Reviewing an LES in a Wisconsin military divorce

A spouse divorcing a servicemember in Wisconsin can learn quite a bit from the member’s Leave and Earnings Statement (LES). The LES is the military equivalent of a civilian paystub, though it includes much more useful information. The LES shows the total pay, entitlements, deductions, allotments, and other information relating to the servicemember. They are […]

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Wisconsin Military Divorce-survivor benefit deadlines

When a Wisconsin military couple divorces, the civilian spouse may receive a survivor benefit from the servicemember’s military retired pay. The SBP is not automatically established however. Certain deadlines must be met or the benefit could be lost. If the servicemember is cooperate, or the court order so states, the servicemember should elect former spouse coverage by […]

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Health insurance in a Wisconsin military divorce, part 3

In previous blogs, I discussed limited post-divorce Tricare coverage available to ex-spouses after a military divorce. Two somewhat “informal” means of continuing coverage may require the servicemembers’ cooperation, but can make great sense in the right case. Legal separation: There are few differences between divorce and legal separation in Wisconsin. One important difference is that […]

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Health insurance in a Wisconsin military divorce, part 2

Continuing a discussion of military Tricare benefits after divorce, today I address a method of continuing Tricare after active service, known as TAMP. TAMP stands for Transitional Assistance Management Program. Members separating honorably from active duty, and their family members, can continue Tricare for up to 180 days after separation. In limited circumstances, reservists can […]

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