Category Archives: Termination of Parental Rights

Standards For the Termination of Parental Rights

A termination of rights permanently ends all ties between a parent and child. Understandably, the standard for a termination of parental rights is very high. The most common reasons for a termination are neglect, abandonment, abuse, and “failure to assume parental responsibility.” Source:

Wisconsin stepparent adoption

Wisconsin stepparent adoption can be very simple process, once the biological parent’s rights are terminated.  As in any termination of parental rights, the case occurs in two stages.  A stepparent cannot adopt if both biological parents retain their parental rights.  Therefore, the first step is to terminate one parent’s rights.   If the biological parent agrees to terminate, […]

Wisconsin termination of parental rights

Wisconsin termination of parental rights is a very serious step.  If you are convinced that termination is in your child’s best interest, there are several ways to accomplish it. The most common way to accomplish a Wisconsin termination of parental rights is a stepparent adoption.   If both biological parents consent to terminate one parent’s rights, […]

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