There are a couple notable differences between the two, though procedurally, the process of obtaining each is almost identical. Most notably, couples who get a legal separation, rather than a divorce, are not divorced! Still, through the legal separation process, assets and debts will be divided, and an order regarding ongoing finances will be made. […]
Financial Forms 101
Do you have an upcoming initial hearing in your family law case? If so, you are likely tasked with completing either a Financial Disclosure Statement (“FDS”) or an Income and Expense Form (“I/E Form”). The purpose of these court forms is to provide a snapshot of your financial circumstances. By listing your monthly income, expenses, […]
Dealing with Unknown Finances
In a lot of relationships, one party handles financial matters more than the other. This might mean that one spouse files the taxes, pays the bills, decides what investments to make, and so on. Perhaps this person is more financially savvy, this helps with an equal division of labor, or this is just how it […]
He Is Not The Father!
For most individuals, a final divorce hearing is filled with emotions, stress, and the anticlimactic conclusion to a lengthy 120+ day divorce process. For some, it is the end of a relationship, and for others, it is the start of a new chapter. Whether you are looking forward to or dreading the end of your […]
What happens after you or your spouse files for divorce?
At a minimum, there is a 120-day waiting period from the time of filing to the date of divorce. Unless you and your spouse already agree on everything, most cases last substantially longer than 120 days. There is a lot to accomplish from the time of the pleadings to the time of divorce. Namely, the […]
When does my obligation to pay child support end?
It is expected that the judgement of your divorce or pre-existing child support orders would include language requiring that either party wo has a child support obligation to “notify the Child Support Agency and the other party within 10 days of any change of employer and of any substantial change in the amount of his […]
Who shall not marry?
Wis. Stat. 765.02 sets forth the qualifications for individuals seeking to tie the knot. While marrying young has become a less common occurrence, it has not become extinct (See; the average age for first marriage in the United States has been increasing over the past few decades. As of 2024, the average age for men […]
I didn’t get a prenup. Now what?
So, you got married and you didn’t get a prenup. Perhaps now you are wishing you did, wondering what you missed out on, or just don’t know what this means for you. Well, lots of people marry without a prenup and in many circumstances, seeking out a prenup may not have been worthwhile. If you […]
Unsound Prenup
Did you know? In 2023, Marriage and divorce questions were the second most searched legal category in the U.S. (see Surprisingly, in 2023 Wisconsin had relatively low search queries when compared to other states. While not all answers to your legal questions may be available online, our online blogs will hopefully answer some of […]
Making a Sound Prenuptial Agreement
As mentioned in our post last week, two couples from “Love is Blind”, Season 7, contemplated getting prenuptial agreements. Though these couples did not get married, and in turn, did not sign prenups, if they had, the accelerated timeline and pressure of relationships in Love is Blind may have been reason to call the prenups […]