Tag Archives: wisconsin child custody

Posted inChild custody

Unfitness in Wisconsin child custody case

A Wisconsin child custody case took an interesting turn when the father requested that the child’s care be assumed by the State because neither parent could properly care for him.  In Interest of Luke S. http://www.wicourts.gov/ca/opinion/DisplayDocument.pdf?content=pdf&seqNo=108947, the Wisconsin Court of Appeals ruled that the State could not provide protective services for the child that the […]

Decision on Wisconsin child custody and relocation

In Marriage of Derleth and Corova http://www.wicourts.gov/ca/opinion/DisplayDocument.pdf?content=pdf&seqNo=103806, the Wisconsin Court of Appeals recently addressed a Wisconsin child custody dispute over a child’s relocation.  The Court decided that  a parent’s ability to move up to 150 miles away within the state cannot  be restricted, even if the court believes that the move is not in the child’s […]

Posted inChild custody

Ensure cooperation in a Wisconsin child custody case

Wisconsin child custody cases can devolve too quickly into nastiness.  Although all parents would  acknowledge that their children’s interests are best served when the parents get along, many fail to cooperate regularly.   Some legitimate disagreements are expected. If the parents got along well in the first place, their relationship would probably still be intact.  However, […]

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