Tag Archives: dane county divorce

Dane County restraining order notices

Domestic abuse victims who have a Dane County restraining order can now receive notice from the Dane County Sheriff when the order has been served on the defendant.    http://host.madison.com/wsj/news/local/notifications-now-available-for-those-who-obtained-restraining-orders/article_f7328502-7efe-5a94-a5b6-e70d59244297.html

Posted inDivorce

Dane County divorce cost

The cost of a Dane County divorce is difficult to predict.   I have settled some Dane County divorce cases in four months.    I have been involved with others for over six years.  The cost ultimately depends on the difficulty of the issues, the personalities involved, and the lawyers’ working style. I believe that the cooperation (or lack of it) between […]

Posted inDivorce

Is January the most common month for Dane County divorce?

No, at least not in 2013.  Dane County divorce was most common in April and July 2013.  It is commonly believed that many spouses wait to get through the holiday season before filing, or seek a fresh start in the new year.   There are many viewpoints on January’s notoriety as “divorce month” as this article demonstrates  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/01/04/january-more-divorces-tha_n_803958.html.    In […]

Posted inDivorce

Does Sauk County divorce differ from Dane County divorce?

In general, no.   Divorce laws are enacted by the state legislature, and apply to the entire state.  However, each county establishes formal local court rules that can differ by county.  For example, in a Sauk County divorce, judges strictly choose guardians ad litem (lawyers for children’s interests) from a list kept by the county.  In Dane […]

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