Tag Archives: child custody

Posted inChild custody

Wisconsin fathers rights

Wisconsin fathers rights is a constant topic in child custody divorce and paternity cases.   The attached article is certainly food for thought. http://www.slate.com/articles/double_x/doublex/2014/05/men_s_rights_recognized_the_pro_father_evolution_of_divorce_and_paternity.html The article makes several good points, strangely enough until the last paragraph.  Despite accurate information earlier in the article about the serious changes in the legal system’s view of father’s involvement, the […]

Posted inDivorce

Preparing for Dane County divorce.

According to this article, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/01/04/january-more-divorces-tha_n_803958.html, more divorces are filed in January than any other month, perhaps due to holiday stress, financial issues, or a simple desire to start fresh in the new year.   In my experience, Dane County divorce is common around the new year.  While the timing of a Dane County divorce filing is not usually […]

The intersection of divorce, child custody, McDonald’s, and psychiatry.

A father’s parental fitness has been called into question by a psychiatrist because he refused to take his child to McDonalds.  http://shine.yahoo.com/parenting/how-saying-no-to-mcdonald-s-might-lead-to-dad-losing-custody-165611460.html   Though this case occurred in New York, it could easily have happened in Wisconsin. I have to  believe there is something else going on here.  It’s hard to imagine that a competent psychiatrist […]

Posted inChild custody

A new factor to consider in Wisconsin child custody disputes?

Could Wisconsin child custody disputes soon involve investigation into a child’s Halloween candy bag?  According to the National Confectioner’s Association, 81% of parents eat some of their children’s Halloween candy.   26% are sneaky enough to wait until their children go to sleep  before creeping stealthily to the candy bag and taking those yummy KitKats.   http://www.candyusa.com/Resources/PRdetail.cfm?ItemNumber=5148&RDtoken=5700&userID=3542.     How long […]

Posted inChild custody

Wisconsin child custody order prevents abduction

A parent, particularly a citizen of another country, who wishes to remove a child from the United States should be monitored extremely carefully.  Wisconsin child custody orders must be carefully drafted in this situation. The fact is that, if a parent leaves the US with a child and refuses to bring her back, it is extremely difficult […]

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