Child Custody & Support FAQ

The attorneys at Kowalski, Wilson & Vang, LLC understand that nothing is more important than your children. We take pride in our ability to help parents protect their parental rights and the best interests of their children. We look forward to helping you find child custody and child support solutions that work for you and your children. Call 608-709-5000 to schedule a free initial consultation with our proven family law attorneys.

Will I get full custody?

Joint legal custody is the strong default in Wisconsin. Joint custody means that both parents collaborate to make decisions about the child’s health, education, and upbringing while sharing time with the child. If one parent cannot provide safe care or make good judgments, sole custody may be awarded to the other parent. Learn more.

Will I get equal placement or visitation?

Physical placement refers to the actual time that each parent spends with a child. Unlike the presumption for joint custody, there is no presumption of any specific schedule or percentage of time sharing. Most parents actually agree on a schedule. If they cannot, a decision will be made in the child’s best interests, based on several factors. A guardian ad litem (a lawyer for the child’s interests) and perhaps a social worker will likely be appointed to give an opinion on the best arrangement for the child.

How much child support will be paid?

Child support is calculated based on the number of children, the allocation of the children’s time between the parents, and each parent’s gross income. This information is entered into a formula that indicates the support amount. It is not always easy to accurately figure each parent’s income. The attorneys at Kowalski, Wilson & Vang, LLC have handled hundreds of cases involving unusual income calculations, including stock options, business income, dividends, bonuses, etc. We account for all available income to ensure that children receive the support they deserve. Learn more.

How do I prove paternity?

When a child is born to unmarried parents, the mother automatically has sole custodial rights. A father must prove that he is biological father to obtain similar rights. This is usually done through a DNA test. Once paternity is established with a court judgment, the child’s legal custody, placement, and child support can be ordered. Learn more.

Can I move out of state with my child?

It is possible, but in most cases requires agreement from the other parent or a court order. Specific laws state the notice requirements before a parent relocates with a child more than 100 miles from the other parent. Relocating is not a decision to take lightly. These are often the most difficult custody cases to resolve because the other parent does not often agree to the move, and often asks the judge to prevent the child’s relocation. Our attorneys have long experience representing both the parent wishing to move, and the parent objecting. Call to take advantage of our expertise in this very difficult area of child law.

What do I do if the other parent moved away with my child?

If the other parent moved more than 100 miles away from you, or out of state, with your child without your permission, you must act quickly. There are legal means to ask a judge to have your child returned, or to prevent the child from leaving in the first place. The longer the wait, however, the harder it can be to return the child to you. Relocation, and sometimes child abduction, can be a very scary time for a parent. If you experience this unfortunate situation, call us as soon as possible to protect your child an your parental rights. Learn more.

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We look forward to answering your questions and guiding you toward an outcome that works best for you and your children. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation.

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